"Uncle Drew"

Andrew K. Dennis Jr. is the Founder and Executive Director of Uncle Drew's Social Skills & Robotics, Inc. Andrew was raised in Fort Valley, Georgia where he earned his Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Fort Valley State University on May 5, 2001. Andrew enjoys swimming, debating, and spending time with family. He has served children and families in the state of Georgia for more than 20 years. Andrew offers a unique blend of leadership, expertise, passion, and vision.


  1. Executive Director: Andrew King Dennis, Jr., BSW

  2. Program Coordinator: Helena Jefferson

  3. Education Assistant: Sherrod Early

  4. Education Director: Lakita McLaughlin

Board Members

  1. Treasurer: Yolonda Freeman: Human Resources Specialist, Geico

  1. President: Rev. Jeffrey Strong: Pastor, Greater Works Ministries

  1. Secretary: Dr. Marcus Early: Satellite Operations Director, Central Georgia Technical College

  1. Honorary Board Member: Capus Bryant, Veteran SFC Retired Logistical Technician Specialist